The Ins and Outs of Inferior TurbinectomiesFeb 13, 2025If nasal congestion impacts your quality of life and conservative treatments have failed, an inferior turbinectomy might be worth considering. Here’s more from our specialty team about inferior turbinectomies and who might benefit.
What, Exactly, is a Deviated Septum?Jan 17, 2025Lots of people may talk about a deviated septum, but unless you’ve had one repaired, you may not know what it means when your nasal septum deviates. Our team explains the basics of a deviated septum, how it happens, and what we can do to fix it.
Health Problems Connected to Sleep ApneaDec 11, 2024You may blame sleep apnea for loud snoring or daytime fatigue, and you’d be correct. However, have you ever thought about how those restless nights can impact your overall health? We have. Keep reading for insights from our team.
Adjusting to Life With Hearing AidsNov 07, 2024With hearing aids, everything from dinnertime conversations with friends to telephone calls with grandkids to listening to the waves roll in is possible again. The benefits multiply if you give yourself time to adjust to life with your new devices.
Helping a Loved One Navigate Hearing LossOct 23, 2024Hearing loss can occur suddenly due to an injury or infection. However, it happens gradually for most people and is sometimes hard to identify and manage. Our team offers practical steps for helping a loved one with hearing loss. Keep reading.
When It's Time to Call an ENT Specialist for Your Headaches Sep 11, 2024Most people expect to experience headaches occasionally. Thankfully, most are temporary and manageable with over-the-counter pain relief, rest, or hydration. But when should you call a doctor for head pain, and why would you see an ENT specialist?
5 Signs You're a Candidate for Thyroid SurgeryAug 14, 2024Surgery is usually considered only after conservative treatments fail to resolve a medical concern. The same is true for thyroid surgery (thyroidectomy). However, it may be the first consideration for some thyroid conditions.
Natural Ways to Manage Chronic Throat PainJul 25, 2024Chronic throat pain requires medical care. However, you can take steps to soothe the discomfort in the meantime. Explore these tips from our specialty team regarding natural ways to manage throat pain.
4 Reasons to Have Your Salivary Glands Partially Removed Jun 11, 2024Salivary glands, more precisely the saliva they produce, make it possible to taste, swallow, and digest food. They also help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Sometimes, however, the glands cause problems that may respond best to surgery.
When to Consider an Inferior Turbinectomy for Your AllergiesMay 15, 2024Most people probably don’t spend much time thinking about their nasal turbinates. But they could be part of the problem if treatment-resistant allergies are making your life miserable. In that case, a turbinectomy may be your best option.
Nasal Septoplasty Recovery: What to Expect Apr 05, 2024Septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to prevent facial pain, nosebleeds, frequent sinus infections, and other complications related to a deviated septum. Here’s what to expect when recovering from this in-office procedure.
Is It Normal for Voice Volume to Decline With Age?Mar 02, 2024Aging can affect various aspects of your voice, including volume. Changes in vocal cord tissue, muscle tone, respiratory function, and neurological factors can all play a role. Learn how to protect your voice as you age.
How Untreated Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Cardiovascular Health Feb 02, 2024Most of us can agree that poor sleep can leave you feeling groggy and grumpy. Did you know that sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder, can also affect your heart health?
Can Eustachian Tube Balloon-Plasty Help Me Fly without Ear Problems?Jan 16, 2024If you love to travel but dread the ear pain and muffled hearing you experience during most flights, eustachian tube dilation (balloon-plasty) may be precisely what you need.
Our Expert's Take on How to Treat Congestion at HomeDec 15, 2023Most of us expect to occasionally deal with a stuffy, runny nose, but what do you do when nasal congestion makes it hard to focus on anything else? Our specialist offers tips for home care that can help you breathe easier.
How to Help a Loved One With Hearing LossNov 15, 2023Despite significant innovations that have made hearing aids and other therapies more successful than ever, hearing loss continues to cause feelings of isolation and frustration for millions in the US. Here’s how you can help your loved ones.
10 Reasons You Have Ringing In Your EarsOct 01, 2023Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) can range from an occasional annoyance to a persistent and debilitating experience. Uncovering and treating the cause may eliminate the noise or, at least, reduce its effects on your daily routine.
How Does Swimmer's Ear Happen, and How Can I Avoid It?Sep 06, 2023Are you feeling that usual itchy ear discomfort after this morning’s workout in the pool? Tired of dealing with swimmer’s ear? Explore the causes of this familiar infection and the preventative strategies our specialist recommends you try.
Why Does Sinusitis Cause Headaches?Aug 08, 2023Is it a headache or sinus pressure? Maybe it’s both. Our specialist takes a closer look at sinusitis and explains why sinusitis can cause pounding pain in your head that mimics a migraine.
3 Lesser-Known Causes of Nasal CongestionJul 05, 2023Are you struggling with nasal congestion but don’t have a cold, allergies, deviated septum, or another common congestion trigger? Our specialist explains three lesser-known causes of nasal congestion.
Will I Need Surgery for My Deviated Septum? Jun 02, 2023Are you tired of the congestion, recurring sinusitis, and facial pain that can accompany a deviated septum? Good news – not every deviated septum requires surgery. But if you do need it, surgery may be less invasive than you fear.
Chronic Sinusitis: 4 Tips to Find ReliefMay 10, 2023If nasal stuffiness, pain around your eyes and cheeks, and other symptoms of chronic sinusitis infection are making your life miserable, our specialist can help. Read more about long-term sinus inflammation and how to find relief.
Common Causes of Voice DisordersApr 14, 2023Most people expect a raspy or whispery voice when they have a cold. But should you worry if your voice is suddenly softer, hoarser, or otherwise different than it once was? Read what our specialist says about common causes of voice disorders.
When to See a Doctor About Your Throat PainMar 20, 2023You may expect a sore throat when you have a respiratory illness like a cold or even after an afternoon spent cheering your favorite team to victory. But could throat pain signal something serious? Find out when it’s time to call the doctor.
8 Ways to Stop Your Hearing Loss from Getting WorseFeb 22, 2023Some causes of hearing loss are unavoidable, but you can take steps to slow hearing loss. In this post we suggest eight things you can do to prevent or slow hearing loss.
5 Symptoms That Could Mean You Are Suffering From SinusitisJan 27, 2023A headache, congestion, and fever could all be signs of sinusitis. Knowing the symptoms helps you avoid significant problems. Keep reading to discover five signs of sinusitis and when to see a specialist.